Sunday, May 5, 2013

Dialectics: Truth and Ignorance.

Truth and Ignorance

Truth: a fact or belief that is accepted as true
Ignorance: lack of knowledge or information

Imagine you were in a world, and you find out that the world you're living in, the world as you know it, was fake. A chimera that you've been taught to believe is real. Would you want to live in the truth, or go back to the ignorance. 
You might choose to live in the truth, but what if the truth was unbearable. The Truth was something you couldn't even dream up.

In The Matrix, Neo is introduced to reality, a world completely unlike the ones he thought he'd been living in for years.
He's asked to choose between reality and ignorance when he's given the choice between the red and the blue pill.
The red pill will only submerge him deeper into reality, whereas the blue pill will send him back into ignorance where he can continue to live the life that he had previously been living.

The question then naturally arises, which pill would you have taken?


Right now, I believe that the world I'm living in is true. The blanket over my legs is one I put there, and my dog is on my bed because he's my dog and my family bought him, not the matrix.  But what if I am not actually living in the truth, what if I'm actually the ignorant one and I am in fact living in the matrix. How do I know? You don't, but that's another blog post. see this post

Ignorance and truth, although seemingly not extremely related, can be seen as both opposites, as well as extremely relevant.
In order for you to be ignorant, there must be a truth to ignore. If you use the word ignore though, that implies that you are aware that there is the possibility of something more than your ignorant life....

cue Twilight zone music.


  1. Jordan,I think the question of what pill we would take is a question that pops into the mind of anyone who has every seen that famous scene. I really do not know what I would choose. Willingly I would want to choose the blue pill and forgot everything. But then I truly would feel that there would be a gnawing feeling at me. I know that your're "supposed" to forget everything but I just know that subconsciously my willful ignorance would eat away at me.

    This brings us to an odd idea. If there is a truth is there really anyway to ignore it? I mean you are living within the lie that is the Matrix. Once, you break away from that how could you go back. I just think that humans are not perfect enough so that they can adapt into lies.

    By this I mean though humans lie every single day. It is (hopefully) still an action that is forced, not something that comes out involuntarily. So, as long as we still seek truth then that prevents us from living an ignorant life.

    This also poses the possibility though that we advance to the point where lying to others and more importantly ourselves become so natural that we can embrace something like the Matrix...willfully.

  2. Jordan, the question of whether our world is true always fascinates me. How do we know our world isn't fake? We don't. We just accept our world like how we accept what we are ignorant to. If I am ignorant to the truth, I will believe in my own ignorant truth. Now is it bad for me to live with this ignorance? Is it really hurting me? Probably not, who cares if I am living is an ignorant reality. I will never know the difference between that world and the truth. Sure we would like to know the truth, but there is really no way for us to know, or at least for thousands of years, when our science advances enough to find this out.
    Now onto the pill, I personally have no idea which one I would have chosen. It seems like it would have been more fun to take the same pill Neo chose and I think I would have felt pressure to take that one regardless because they would have came over to me for no reason.
